Wednesday, July 29, 2020

if the residents of a building come together and decide, through a direct vote, to pass rules relating to their shared living space, then somebody could potentially be asked to leave the building if they refuse to abide by the rules.

the landlord and tenant board would likely require some kind of compensation in such a scenario, and would no doubt encourage mediation to get to that point. that is, if you're going to throw somebody out of a building because they don't want to follow a non-binding community declaration, you really have a duty of obligation to pay for their moving expenses, at least.

but, a government cannot come in from the outside and enforce a mask rule on somebody's living space without even consulting them.

that's fascistic. it's despotic. it's uncanadian.

and, the bylaw is not worth the paper it's written on - it's that simple.

it's worthless. garbage. meaningless.

it doesn't exist.