Wednesday, July 29, 2020

so, what's my new choline intake going to be, then, over a two week period? i should have done that.

note that the eggs are going to go up if i throw a red pepper in there. so,

(7*710 + 7*125)/14 + 170 = (835)/2 + 170 = 588,

or 538 without the coffee, indicating i'm getting very close to or past it with it, even if i don't drink that much for a few weeks.

and, that's more what i want to see in my diet than the 450 i'm getting now.

but, i've been careening in this direction for a while - this is a push for me to do something i've been wanting to do. the pasta hasn't been working out for a while, now.

i will leave the pasta in the cupboard, for emergencies, which is why it was there in the first place. i switched after needing to use up expired pasta, which i had put aside in case of emergency. i'll go through the caesar before i buy any mayo....and i might stick with caesar instead. and, i'm going to end up cutting my cheese intake by over 60%, which should clear some money up.

but, i'm making the switch back...when i switched, i made assumptions about the amount of calories i can consume that have not panned out, and it's more important to ensure i'm getting enough vitamins than that i'm getting enough calories.