Wednesday, July 29, 2020

she's a complete fucking idiot.

i remember watching an interview with cenk uygur, and i don't remember the context, but he explained rather clearly that he just couldn't vote for bush, because he was obviously a fucking idiot. and, this was right after clinton, so you can hardly accuse the man of swinging to the more moral choice or something.

i don't think that cenk ever really moved left; he's still a conservative, still a republican - a dino, to co-opt a term, which takes on an interesting double entendre that i didn't intend, but is still interesting.

i'm having that moment with a biden-harris ticket. i don't like susan rice's politics, but i'm at least confident that she's not a fucking moron like harris is.

and, like cenk, i may find myself supporting a party that i don't like in order to block the stupid from coming in.