Wednesday, July 29, 2020

so, this is apparently official, now.

“Though some other parts of the world have released mortality data almost in real time, official death numbers from Ontario’s vital-statistics office are not expected for another year or more,” 

so, that's why i'm not bothering.

yes, i live here. yes, i'd be all over it, if i could be. but, it's pointless - the data simply doesn't reflect reality.

and, we consequently don't actually know if toronto got hit like montreal or new york did and can look forward to an easier reopening, or if it's still highly vulnerable like vancouver is, and is likely subject to a resumption of the first wave, like spain is seeing, once things get off the ground again.

cases are coming up, but it's still relatively slow going. but, we won't know until...well, the timelines suggest the shit should hit the fan about labour day, if it's going to.