Wednesday, July 29, 2020

actually, this is an issue that has been explored, partly on mr. obama's own initiative.

that is, we know this is true because he told us it is.

his racial identity struggles were a part of what launched him to prominence; people found it compelling on a human level. he didn't know who or what he was for most of his life, and didn't begin to really identify as black until he hit his mid-20s.

so, when i talk about obama being white, i'm not poking at him. i'm not making it up.

and, the fact that his policies ended up so racialized opens up a can of worms.

it really does.

that picture probably exists on the internet to criticize the biracial relationship, and i'm not going to do that. i hope barack & miss cook had lots of fun together.

but, it is what it is.

that's all i'm saying.

he identified as white (and is. half.) for a good part of his life and that doesn't ever go away. trust me.