Sunday, July 21, 2013

not right now, please

ok I'm getting kinda stressed now.

Jessica Amber Murray
stressed about what, exactly? wait, don't answer. i'm really fucked up right now. want to think, not talk. talking's a bad idea.

what happun ?

mackaye still hasn't gotten back to me.

Jessica Amber Murray

i just had a very dramatic phone conversation with my dad. his left side has been paralyzed for a while. he just lost his right side. and he's afraid he's gone to lose his voice soon. it was the permanence of the word "bye" that set me off. the moment of silence that came before it, because i didn't want to say it. i'll be ok. this has been going on for two years. it's been a process. i'm at peace. i just need to cry a bit. and think a bit. not much use for planning for the night. sorry.

i'm so sorry Jess. :(

Let me know if you need to talk ever.