Friday, November 1, 2013

"(11) If a health professional determines that a medical emergency exists and the specific identity and amount of any chemicals claimed to be a trade secret or confidential proprietary information are necessary for emergency treatment, the vendor, service provider or operator shall immediately disclose the information to the health professional upon a verbal acknowledgment by the health professional that the information may not be used for purposes other than the health needs asserted and that the health professional shall maintain the information as confidential. The vendor, service provider or operator may request, and the health professional shall provide upon request, a written statement of need and a confidentiality agreement from the health professional as soon as circumstances permit, in conformance with regulations promulgated under this chapter."

i'm not quite sure how the doctor's claims follow from this section, which he labels a 'gag order'. in fact, it seems to be a, perhaps badly worded, attempt to force companies to provide chemicals that are patented when they're necessary.

overall, the bill is actually concerned with safety regulations.

i'm not sure what rt is up to, but i suspect they may be playing into industry obfuscation. fracking companies are more likely to want to see that section stricken (it doesn't uphold property rights) than environmentalists.

i mean...if it wasn't for that section, the fracking companies wouldn't have to provide any information at all - they could claim it's a trade secret. leg being eaten away? *shrug*. we've got patents...

the doctor might just not understand, or be under naive assumptions about corporate responsibility. but the story is hot air...