Friday, July 31, 2015

the outcome of a debate like that would likely be to split the vote up further, because there's not really a clear dividing line between the ndp and the liberals. i prefer the ndp on economic issues and the liberals on issues of governance, and haven't made a real choice yet (although i'm leaning ndp). it'd be nice if mulcair could take a stronger stand on marijuana legalization. a lot of people will say the opposite, or pick other single issues. that kind of jumbled up reality on the issues is the primary problem facing the anti-harper vote. it's less that all these parties are presenting the same thing, and more that they're all segmented up into this confused stew, where the electorate is picking and choosing in this kind of piece-meal fashion.

so, there is an easily understandable tactical basis for this decision.

the flip side is that it's going to alienate a lot of people. we'll have to see how that works out - but we'll never know whether the hit he takes for it is greater or lesser than the hit he doesn't take for it.

lady goodiva@Jessica Murray
Anyone who is leaning NDP should think long and hard about what Mulcair is doing by threatening to withdraw from these debates. He once said he would debate "anywhere, anytime." Was he lying then or is he lying now? Mulcair has either fallen into Harper's trap or the polls have gone to his head and he thinks he's PM already and can use Harper-style bullying tactics to get his way. Do your really want a PM who is just the opposite side of the Harper coin?

Jessica Murray@lady goodiva
no. i think he's trying to avoid splitting the vote. his condition is if harper shows up, and i'll take his word at that. it's not beneficial to progressive forces for us to tear each other up over specifics while harper stays at home and laughs.

harper's decision to pull out is a divide and conquer strategy. mulcair's decision to pull out is an attempt to prevent the damage of such a strategy.

as mentioned, it's going to piss some people off. might even backfire. we'll have to see.