Thursday, May 26, 2016

j reacts to tightening numbers in california

you could tell from clinton's campaign's language that this was coming. and, where's the trendline? she's nose-diving. fast.

she doesn't want debates. she doesn't want coverage. she doesn't even want people to know there's a primary. she just wants to get it over with with the least amount of damage done possible.

a split doesn't help him, of course. he has to really demolish her for the dynamic to change, and that's hard to contemplate so long as she doesn't stick her foot in her mouth.

if you see some polling with sanders pushing 60%, she'll have to react. and, if you see her react, you'll know the internals are looking incomprehensibly grim. but, for now, you should expect her to say almost nothing at all between now and the 14th, in the hopes that the news cycle drops the story and everybody forgets about it.

it's damage control from an established candidate.

she's always been hard to get excited about, and that's not going to change now.

"running out the clock"

that's what you want to go with. that's how you shalt describe what clinton is doing. go forth...