Sunday, January 22, 2017

but, biden should stop deluding himself into thinking that he could have beaten clinton in the primary, as it's empty weight on already heavy shoulders. didn't he see how far back he was? what does he think changed since the last time he was an also-ran, or the time before that?

but, what do i think would have happened?

the truth is that i think it would have helped sanders, and could have been decisive. but, contrary to most leftist opinion, i don't think that sanders would have beaten trump...

even if biden had dropped out relatively early, he could have denied clinton the delegates necessary to win by simply sitting there and taking votes away from her. it's why he didn't run in the first place, right?

instead of pointing fingers at each other, democrats should look at the system that elevated an unpopular candidate. so, stop crying and start working to open the primary process.