Monday, February 27, 2017

reality check: forcing constituents to accept senior staffers with almost no connection to their ridings as candidates is called nepotism and is a type of corruption. the fact that it is relatively common in our system does not make it ok. and, everybody should support the local candidates in their aim to ensure that the riding maintains local representation. mccallum was a good mp with strong ties to the riding, and he should not be replaced by a staffer that is being flown in on the pmo's direction.

seats in the house of commons are not perks to be handed out to political cronies in exchange for political favours, or as rewards for good behaviour. and, this comes just weeks after the government rejected electoral reform under concerns that a proportional system would minimize local representation...?

the hypocrisy is stunning.

this should be a very big deal. and, it should cost them the seat, out of principle.

and, they should stop fucking doing this, already.