Saturday, March 18, 2017

actually, i'm going to be integrating pictures of show dates in, too, so there's going to be one more update for 2011, soon.

i'm sorting through old pictures. here's another shot from july, 2007, fwiw. i previously claimed i was "male identifying" in 2007, but i guess that wasn't even really true then, was it?

...although, i'm actually not even on hormones, here.

i'm 26.

but i'm coming to a kind of disturbing conclusion: i spent my 20s looking like a 12 year old boy, and i've spent my 30s looking like a 12 year old girl.

maybe i'll finally be able to spend my 40s looking like a woman :\.

puberty has to happen eventually, right?

i really want my testicles out asap.