Monday, March 13, 2017

dude, listen.

i present myself as transgendered, and have for as long as you've known i exist. not only should you not be upset that i'm not as hardcore as you thought, you should have never thought i was as hardcore as you did in the the first place.

i own and have listened to cocteau twins records for years. but, i've never heard a metallica record from start to finish. and, i've done nothing but throw that in your face on every possible occasion. for years.


this is not my fault.

you're just fucking delusional.

....and, i'd like to pretend that this piece of evidence will finally be what you need, but i know better. i know we'll back here in six months, and you'll be every bit as confused and upset when you ask me a question about black metal and all you get in return is an empty, blank stare - and a truly honest one, at that.

i'm sorry, but you didn't listen. and it's your fault, not mine.