Tuesday, February 26, 2019

see, we've been through this with bernie on foreign policy before - he takes these positions that are factually dubious in the sense that he holds hands with the washington consensus most of the way down the path before stepping back on some point, and holding to it. in a sense, it's weasel words, but it's backwards - his weasel words are directed at the cfr, or whomever it is that is listening in. so, he's able to avoid what ought to be a lot of wrath.

then, the left starts yelling that he's repeating falsehoods, and he is, but did you notice that he's on cnn, guys? if you listen carefully, you realize that what he's doing is avoiding the hegemonic talking points, without directly contradicting them. so, the left is kind of missing the dog whistle. but, we're not trained for it.

and, then, after walking this tightrope over all of this propaganda, he comes up with the right actual policy, which is that maduro is not a dictator, it's up to the people of venezuela to determine their own future and intervention is wrong.

so, you have to give him like a B- or something because he came up with the right answer, in the end. meanwhile, the rest of the field is getting Fs and Ds. so, you curve him up to an A - even if you're a little unsure.

you just have to remember that noam chomsky isn't running for president, and bernie sanders is.

it's enough to me that he's not participating in the zombie apocalypse that has hit both washington and ottawa - he's demonstrating independent thought.