Monday, May 4, 2020

and, just on the question of the "reintroduction" of the virus in china.

they claim it was gone for what? three days?

they're doing exactly the same thing we're doing, which is blame the problem on foreigners.

given that they are never transparent about anything, it's impossible to know whether the virus was eradicated and brought back or if there was community spread the whole time, but you'll note the extreme measures they took, and that they don't appear to have been effective, in the long run - as they would not have been expected to be.

the chinese response has been to go so far as to ridicule the concept of human rights, which is deeply disturbing. i've been calling them fascists; they're not helping themselves, and they don't seem to grasp it.

but, the proper lesson here is that the east asian model has, in fact, failed.

except in south korea. that's still weird...