Wednesday, June 10, 2020

well, it was predictable that their trickle down economics scam wasn't going to work. it sounds like they're throwing a hissy-fit about it...

do you know what the first thing that needs to be done here actually is?

he needs to throw bill morneau out of cabinet, to start. the guy's a complete dumbass. i suspect he's the root cause of much of this stupidity...

then he need to just extend the cerb.

and, then he needs to raise taxes to pay for it.

even if ontario were to completely reopen tomorrow, we'd still need another several months of benefits. blaming welfare queens and pushing trickle-down economics isn't going to fool anybody. even the dumbest conservatives left that behind eons ago.

unfortunately, it seems like trudeau and his buddy morneau are using a 40 year-old instruction manual - while jason kenney and stephen harper embrace the necessity of keynesianism.

i'm starting to wonder who the lesser evil actually is.