Monday, March 8, 2021

just to be clear on a point...

i tend to prefer to buy almost everything second hand; yes, i'm poor, and it's cheaper, but i'd still buy things second hand if i was rich, and there's reasons for it that are intended to jam up the economy.

so, with the exception of things like socks and underwear and shoes, i buy clothes second hand. always. and, this is a very conscious economic choice. the fact of the matter is that you cannot find clothes made new in this economy that are not created by children in third world countries - it's just not an option. every company at every store in every mall is selling clothes made with child slave labour. i want nothing to do with it, but i can't walk around naked. so, i go to value village - and i would still go to value village even if i was rich, for that reason, and that reason explicitly.

with furniture, i prefer, under normal circumstances,  to buy used in order to prevent the manufacture of new items. this seems backwards, you say - don't i want to support the economy? absolutely not, no - or at least not this economy, which is wasteful and doesn't recycle. yes, generally speaking, i can get usable furniture at kijiji for 1% of the cost you'd get it in a new bourgeois store, but that's really besides the point; i'm trying to reduce the amount of waste in society, and reusing perfectly good furniture is a far better idea than paying through my nose to support union wages to create more and more waste. these are where my priorities are.

and, we can go through item by item, but it's usually the same basic logic - i'm going for the second-hand options because i don't want to support the economy. sorry...