Monday, October 14, 2024

harris is indeed losing but it's not because she's not pro-muslim enough, that's for sure.

opinion polling in the united states has repeatedly demonstrated overwhelming support for israel amongst white and christian voters, and the fact that she is losing states like wisconsin and pennsylvania, and is not winning in georgia or arizona, is no doubt a part of that. pro-hamas fake leftist candidates are losing at the district level in left-wing ridings over this precise issue. this is a losing issue for the centre-left and the fake left that it needs to back away from. democratic voters in left-wing ridings themselves are indicating that they are pro-israel and anti-hamas. these losers on the street are a fringe minority that represent extreme right political inclinations, appear to be funded by foreign governments and have no place in a moderate centre-left political tent.

it would seem intuitive and obvious that democrats should be the most pro-israel and republicans should be trying to win these conservative muslim voters, as the existing democratic coalition has absolutely zero common ground with hamas or with palestinian nationalism in general. right-wing religious fundamentalism has a more obvious home in the republican party. it is not remotely clear why democrats think they can or even want to hold muslim voters. these are obviously republicans, culturally speaking.

the important swing vote in michigan is black voters, not muslims. spend some time in detroit. it's very black. this isn't a race for city hall in hammtramck, so the fact that this microdemographic has two or three saturated areas that they dominate locally is not relevant. they're still less than 2% of the population of michigan; blacks are pushing 15%.

radical islam is unpopular in the united states and if harris was smart she would do everything she can to distance herself from it as being seen as soft on islamic extremism will cost her 10x as many votes as she might ever hope to gain (but never will. they're republicans.), but she has already demonstrated in multiple campaigns that she is not very good at this.

when she loses, she will blame it on biden, but she should blame herself for running a poor campaign that has not strongly come out on moral considerations, like backing israel in it's fight against terrorism, but tried to fence sit to hold a small demographic with little voting power and a lot of lobbying power by taking a morally ambiguous position that refuses to condemn terrorism in clear enough language. that is sending a message to americans that they are correctly confused by.

it should be noted that obama was not confusing or ambiguous on terrorism. obama repeatedly walked up to the podium and loudly and bellicosely declared that america would track the fuckers down and slaughter them like the filthy animals they are. that is the correct populist position and what america wants to hear from harris, but that she won't deliver because she's apparently kind of dumb.

i think the fundamentals suggest biden would have been more competitive, and the outcome has demonstrated that. harris is losing enough white voters in the rust belt that she's going to lose almost every rust belt state and she's neither generating black support nor holding moderate white support in more conservative southern states because she doesn't have roots in the area. biden is more popular amongst both black voters and white voters than harris is.

after being sure to blame harris losing on harris (and not on biden, or on putin, like they did in 2016), the democratic party should permanently disbar nancy pelosi from ever speaking on their behalf ever again.