Monday, October 14, 2024

i'm currently in an extremely difficult situation and i need some cash.

the more i yell at these disgusting people to go away, the more they harass me. they are pathetic losers; bottom-feeding trolls.

if you want to help me out, now is a good time to download some full discographies:

1) inri: 51 releases for $758. this is the synth pop and electro-grunge focused project i did when i was a teenager in the 90s. there is one pending inri project, inri086. 1994-1999.

2) deny everything: 21 releases for $355. this is the project for the post-inri experiments as i was trying to refocus and chart future paths, 1999-2000, and is about the 2000 american election. this project is completed. 1999-2000.

3) j's adventures in guitarland: this is about the classical guitar lessons i took from 1999-2001. project on possibly indefinite hiatus. i won't come back to this until everything else is done first. i need a 21+ fret midi classical guitar with a pickup. if i can get into subsidized housing, i can do this; it may otherwise be a serious challenge to ever finish this. currently, 3 releases for $55, and no serious plans for more until i get to the very end of the process. 1999-2001.

4) jjjjjjjjj: serious music project started in 2001 and worked on sporadically from 2001-2007 as unrealized scored music and then put on hold until 2014, then worked on intensely from 2014-2018. this project comprises symphonic works, official (instrumental) lps, academic projects and works of a more serious nature (more broadly), mostly written as scored pieces for large orchestras and performed by midi sequencers and software synthesizers (with frequent overdubbed live guitars and basses and sometimes with live keyboards and live drums and rarely with live flutes, mandolins or other instruments outside of the usual contemporary rock/jazz instrumentation). currently, 41 releases for $837. this is a continuing project that will continue growing and, in the end, will occupy the largest space in my discography, over the largest time frame, since 2001, although these releases are dated to their re-release cycle, beginning in 2013. 2001-2040.

5) the cynicide collaboration: was supposed to be a live performance "rock band" style project put together by a high school acquaintance named jon, but he abandoned working on it before anything got done. i wrote one song for this project, with demoes dated to 2001 that was finished as a solo composition in 2014 in a style that was adjunct to that intended by jon. i have guitar demos of songs written and performed by jon that were intended to be cynicide collaboration songs, but i don't own the performances or the songs and should not release or complete them (and they're not that good, unless you like early 00s nu-metal). i would have, in the end, completely redone these songs as i was recording them (and, yes, i would have done all of the work), but i didn't do that then and i shouldn't do it now. this project is almost certainly permanently closed and completed, but i will state again that there are demos that i'm restraining myself from finishing on jon's behalf. as far as i know, jon is still alive, but his life will likely be much shorter than mine. initially summer of 2001, then completed in summer of 2014, both as short stints for a few months each. 2001.

6) rabit is wolf: successor project to the cynicide collaboration, made up of just me and the proposed singer. some demoes were recorded in 2001-2002 that were shelved and not finished until 2014-2015, when i finished them as a solo project (and removed sean's vocals in the process) and transferred the compositions to jjjjjjjjj. this project is completed and there will be no further recordings. 2001-2003.

7) fuel true anarchy in the americas: noise + politics, formed in 2001 after 9/11. a demo was released in 2004 and remastered and expanded for a 2021 re-release. i do not currently have plans to reopen this, but it is semi-permanently closed. 2001-2004.

8) the trivial group: this project developed out of the various ideas worked on from 2000-2002, contains aspects of all of them and is the only conceptually unified successor project to inri. unlike the other post-inri projects, it even includes vocals as a central part of the compositions, for the first time since 1999. the trivial group released a series of singles over 2002-2004, culminating in a gigantic 2xlp dated to mid 2005. i decided in 2005 to put the trivial group down and pivot to different ideas, conceptually, but as of 2025 it is still in post-production and it's release sequence is still being finalized. i still have work to do in finishing this project, but i don't intend to write further for it as the next series of tracks reformulated themselves for release in the proverbs project. 2002-2005. 

9) throatmotor: i played live bass for a band called throatmotor for about a year, from 2004-2005. the same acquaintance jon had joined the band as a guitarist and brought me in to play bass for him. throatmotor combined blink 182 or sum 41 style early 00s pop-punk lyrics and guitars on top of electronic post-production in the gravity kills or god lives underwater genre sphere, with a bit of an aphex twin vibe from the use of an actual minimoog, and was outside of my sphere of interest, as an artist. it was very syrupy, very poppy. i filled in because they needed somebody that could learn the songs fast and do it, and i tried to work with it by acting either more as a cellist (given that the songs had synth bass parts) and introducing harmonic counterpoint (for the slower songs) or as a third guitarist by introducing overlapping riffs (for the faster songs), but the reaction was muted, and i wasn't that interested in what they were actually doing and intending to do and i mutually separated from the band in mid 2005 (and was replaced by jon's girlfriend, at the time, who just followed the root notes, which is all they expected from me or wanted me to do). i did produce one short demo for throatmotor dated to early 2005 that has some of the characteristics of it (aphex-y synths, some wobbly time signatures, cut up drums, unison crescendos) and that i will complete under that moniker, but it was not well received and reflects the fact that we weren't on the same page, musically. a few bass parts were recorded, but i don't know what they did with them. i didn't record the parts myself and i don't remember the parts i wrote anymore. beyond completing this track, i wouldn't be further interested in throatmotor. 2004-2005.

10) akousmatikoi: 2002-2007.

11) cycles per second: 2004-2007.

12) tetris: 2003-2040.

13) pi: 2003-2040.

14) proverbs: 2007-200.

15) everything (at the new jessica amber murray site): 1994-2040.

i'm currently updating my text discography because it might be a while before i get back to it:

this is the late 2003 and early 2004 sequence, between when i got back from bc and when i moved to sandy hill with red indicated "not done" and green indicating "complete":

this is the csis records update sequence:

so, incomplete release up to mid 2004 are restricted to inri075, inri077, inri078, inri086, inri087, inri092 & inri093. the rest are done.