Thursday, April 17, 2014

well, it's nice to see the communists expose themselves. hudson isn't particularly surprising.

on the one hand, though, it's also interesting to see all of this dormant cold war programming reassert itself. i don't think many people under 40 are going to react well to the idea of turning russia back into an enemy, especially with the experience we've had with our own government. but, the older generation seems to be booting right up to the command prompt, and launching right into those old flight simulators and vintage copies of sid meier's civilization...

so, we must ask: wolfenstein v. duke nukem?

(actually, it's not even worth asking. duke nukem was fun for ten minutes. wolfenstein was addictive.)

so, communist or not, he seems to be being activated the way he was programmed to be. this is really intriguing to me.

on the other hand, he does make some good points. if you can get through the pynchonesque cartoonism, it's worth watching as a summary of recent events, including the tying of some loose threads.

but, he's still not talking about that missile shield...