cops came and went. these ones seemed a little less like your typical cops, and understood the premise a little bit better.
was pointed out that i'd have a better chance of ensuring a diagnosis
if i'm able to build a relationship with an md. this is more or less
what i was thinking, it's why i went through the process of seeing a
shrink in the first place, but the idea of trying to get a family doctor
to build a diagnosis isn't something that crossed my mind. well, it's
an avenue to explore, and it would be imprudent not to explore it.
they seemed surprised by my level of rational thinking. they weren't
really expecting me to agree with them and were visibly shaken by how
easily i agreed that the suggestion was reasonable. they seem to have
been expecting me to resist somehow.
so, i have an
alternate plan i'll want to put into motion in the next few days. but i
want to be clear that the fundamental situation remains unaltered.