Wednesday, March 30, 2016

j reacts to the danger in perpetuating insulting anti-trump media

i'm shocked. they sound like every other aging boomer couple i've ever heard. this is pathetic. it's the kind of hit piece you expect fox news to throw at hillary clinton.

trump is not somebody that's likely to gain my sympathies naturally. but, if you turn him into the underdog, people will become more receptive to what he's saying.

the left has a fundamentally different psychology. we don't pile on the persecuted; we don't take pleasure in kicking people when they're down. we're stuck with this weak human emotion called empathy. we align with the downtrodden. we want your huddled masses. we claim the meek shall inherit the earth.

stop attacking him personally. go after his policies. the more you attack him as a person, the more you victimize him, and the more we seek to identify with his perspectives.

Maryanne Slater
Not every aging boomer. Just the ones down at the coffee shop who blame teenagers, minorities and women's lib for everything wrong with the world today.

jessica amber murray
actually, it sounds a lot like a tongue-in-cheek exchange between my pot-smoking, liberal father and his much higher-earning corporate executive wife.

in fact, there's probably copious similar footage out there of the clintons ribbing each other, although the roles may be reversed more often than not.