Wednesday, March 30, 2016

but, if tom goes, who is going to credibly rail on the government for not balancing the budget? the conservatives have no credibility on this.

here's the thing: he purged the party of anybody that might challenge him. the ndp used to be the party of hard working mps that had to fight long odds to win their seats. today, it's tom the great leader and his faceless minions of seat-warming backbenchers. they've got bigger problems than finding a new leader. but, they'd better figure out a way to get him to listen to their party's constitution, too.

even if he wins, a review will be good for the party because it will help bring some stronger voices to the forefront.

Resource Nation
What's your evidence that Mulcair is not a corporate stooge.
His record of near silence on the Chinese Foreign Investor Protection Agreement, and minimal effort to oppose TPP and CETA is evidence that Mulcair is a corporate stooge.

jessica murray
what was the term he used for the tpp? enthusiastically in favour?

i'd normally be expected to vote for the ndp. but i basically voted against mulcair back in october. i'm not sure i'd say he's a corporate stooge, though, as much as i'd say he's an *aspiring* corporate stooge.

you can imagine him showing up at the bankers meeting and being all like "hey guys!", while they slam the door in his face kind of thing. then, you'd see him peering in the window and pouting about not getting in.

kind of like hillary clinton...


Mulcair is the wrong person for the NDP future, end of story. 

It's easy to say that someone is unsuited for a particular job.
It difficult to say why you feel that is so, and the characteristics you feel the next NDP leader should have.

Jessica Murray
being ideologically aligned with the ndp would be a good first start.