Thursday, March 31, 2016

j reacts to the failure of television to define the narrative this cycle

as incompetent as trump will probably be, the status quo establishment is not doing a good job in differentiating itself. if trump wins, people are going to look back and blame it on the media for transparent hit job after transparent hit job. and, you know what? maybe, it's just the internet. maybe this would have worked twenty years ago, when we are at the whim of network television. and, maybe this inability for the establishment to get out of old media is the broader narrative for the election. it killed jeb. it might kill clinton, in the end. and, all the fox news style take downs of trump are blowing up in their faces, too. i had a similar analysis of the last election in canada, where the conservatives relied entirely on tv advertising and ended up unable to even get through to the old folks, in the end.

i need to be clear. i do not get cable. i don't watch network television at all. so, i have not seen a single report on this from cnn, nbc, cbs or whomever else. my coverage of this story has come to me exclusively via the internet. and, as such, it has been framed to me entirely in terms of it being a manufactured tempest in a teapot.

it's not even a question of the internet undoing the brainwashing. i literally have absolutely zero contact with the network tv narrative. and, all i'm seeing - as a consequence - is an entirely transparently bungled attempt at a smear job.

if even half of the under 40 demographic is equivalent, and i believe that's a conservative estimate, then it's only the networks that lose credibility here.

and, once again - that is dangerous.