Wednesday, July 5, 2017

and, for the zillionth time, i'm not a marxist, either, i'm an anarchist.

i've never done anything but criticize marx. i think he was a tyrant; i hold to the view that he is one of the greatest villains in history, that his system is the single greatest threat to individual liberty in the history of the world. and, the anarchists predicted that, and broke with marx, and criticized him and fought against him.

the reality is that anarchists have fought marxists more often than they have fought capitalists.

worse, his ideas are not even well thought out. scientific socialism? historical materialism? give me a fucking break, with your contrived, teleological nonsense.

there is no end of history.

it drives me nuts. like, i don't even see common cause. there's a few obscure strains of marxism that i can tolerate, but the main ones - maoists, stalinists, lenninists and even trotskyists - are just as bad as capitalists, in my perspective.

so, don't call me a marxist, please.

frankly, i'd rather talk about thomas paine.