Monday, July 17, 2017

long day.

the neurologist suggested my jaw is dislocated and told me to see a dentist. that's actually closer to my intuition, but both the gp and ear doctor sent me to the neurologist, so...

i got a universal battery charger on the way back, which is something i needed, anyways. i'm apparently going to be hard-pressed to find the canadian tire brand in rechargeables. the different chargers don't seem to like other brands, so i settled on energizer for the charger and the batteries - although i'll have to see how the eveready batteries react to the energizer charger. i'll probably put my small charger away, as i periodically switch over. i was hoping to get some square batteries, though, and i couldn't find any; i do have some around, but i don't know how well they'll charge. guess we'll find out. it was around $50 for the charger and 4 rechargeable aaas.

i found a ps/2 keyboard on the way home for $20. and, i'd might as well move the usb to ps/2 convertor over to the kvm, now, as it has no other use. the new board only has one ps/2 slot (and an absurd amount of usbs), so it was the keyboard that was most important.

i picked up a $10 usb mouse on my third trip out tonight, as well. i don't really need it, but why not? just in case. that's around 80 dollars (i'll work it out better when i wake up) and closes the build, with the important exception of a square monitor. it must be square...

the case, ram and some laptop ram came in today. i'm close to being able to build. i just need thermal paste.

that really was a long day, full of something like 9 hours worth of biking. you'll excuse me while i pass out.