Thursday, April 26, 2018

so, to recap.

ford is not a vote for the past, but a vote for the new world order as jason kenney imagined it - a world of interfaith prayer services and religiously motivated government as an opiate for the masses, to allow the banking class to sell the province off. he's a walking imf restructuring program, and by the time he's done we'll end up like sri lanka. or maybe mexico. it's the next step in the race to the bottom...

wynne is a vote for the broken multicultural model, not as initially envisioned by pearson and trudeau but as broken by mulroney and harper. it's less that this is intentional; the point is that she's still imagining the ideals of a pearson, while attaching them to the policies of a harper, and can't see through these contradictions. she thinks you can just put an openly trans person in the same room as an imam and have them find some common cause, rather than dealing with the reality of them wanting to kill each other.

but, horwath is truly a vote for ontario's past - the publicly held resources, the strong union jobs, the dominant manufacturing sector. she may be substituting in government for lost benefits, and that's a step forward really, anyways. but, she alone has a vision to return the province to what it was, rather than to push it forward into some unknown. she's the actual conservative in the race.

i'm not going to vote on immigration policy. it's a federal responsibility. and, my preferred option is to see the feds return to policies that allow us to return to the vision of pearson, as well as some government policies to undermine the role of religious institutions in daily lives. i want these migrant groups to join the growing atheist consensus, and stop fighting it. but, if you do want to vote on immigration, these are the actual choices as they are.

and, it makes it clear why ford is not trump and why running against him as though he is will lead to certain defeat: the liberals don't need to find a way to hold wandering white voters, they need to find a way to stop their immigrant base from aligning with their actual values.