Monday, April 16, 2018

what about the hydro thing?

well, i'm currently getting free hydro due to the subsidies. that's right: free hydro. my last two bills had $39.02 & $40.14 credits on them - meaning the hydro company actually owes me $79.16. i don't know if i get a check at the end or not...

but, this is due to the fact that i barely use any.

the credit is $69. so, you can see that my hydro bill would be about $30. but, of that, about $25 is a flat rate set by the company.

i actually use less than $10 worth of actual electricity a month. it's more like $7.

so, i'm not going to benefit from cancelling this program, and i'm not going to benefit from a rate cut, either. i would benefit from stronger regulations on the transmission company - perhaps a law that outlaws base rate charges, or minimum fees.

so, i prefer the liberal plan on hydro.

but, i don't want to elect doug ford. so, i might have to make a difficult choice on that.

further, i suspect that horwath will backtrack on her hydro plans, which seem to be designed to win votes from low information voters (many of whom would actually be hurt by her proposals) rather than to lower rates.

it plays into the trust issue with the ndp - they're simply not being honest about this, leaving people to guess at what they're actually going to do.