Thursday, August 16, 2018

i'm a smart person.

high iq.

multiple university degrees.

so, this is something you'd expect somebody like me to be able to figure out. but, i just learned a few months ago that the recycling programs don't take coffee cup lids...

it's not that they aren't recyclable - they are. it's that the recycling companies refuse them due to weight - a clause you'd have to take considerable time to figure out.

most people are going to take a look at one of the lids, like this one:

...notice the recycling symbol, and toss it in the bin.

it's plastic, right? it has the symbol! what could go wrong?

it's too light....

this is a minor concern in comparison, granted. but, everybody is doing something wrong, here.

leaving the bins on the road is no answer.

people really ought to get fired.