Thursday, September 20, 2018

all throughout history, science has fought against - and sometimes lost to - superstition and ignorance.

and, that is how indoor smoking, or really smoking at all, ought to be approached: this is another battle for science to fight and win against superstition and ignorance.

there will be ups and downs, but history is on the side of abolishing smoking.


my misanthropism is not so great that i think this is beyond us. but, i know i need that caveat: eventually.

for, there are still people that will argue in favour of any manner of superstition and nonsense, aren't there? but, they are mostly waning, as the stupid is beaten out of them.

i was thinking about this the other day as i was walking. the smoking rates amongst young people are dramatically lower, indicating there is good reason to think i can hope to wait it out by waiting for them all to die. and, they will die young, and terribly - that is what the science informs us of.

that is some cause for optimism - that they will be dead, soon. that humanity is in fact winning this battle, however slowly.

but, in the process of waiting for them to die, i am also waiting myself out, for my own limits are finite, as well. it's a solution that leaves much to be desired...

i was up late last night fighting with the smoke. i'm going to eat and see what's available to look at.