Wednesday, January 16, 2019

i'm really suffering from a lack of motivation, right now. i have very little energy, very little drive. i just want to sleep.

i called my grandmother on monday, and it took away the entire day. tuesday was mostly spent sleeping. i guess i'll try again today, but i'm just so drained....

i'm almost certain at this point that the problem is that teenager upstairs, but i'm not sure how to deal with it. it remains the case that my best way out is to sue the cops, but i have to get enough energy to fight through the effects of her habits, first.

i signed a non-smoking lease for a reason, but he can't evict his teenaged daughter. i'd have to sue for damages to my health on the way out. but, i'd have to find a way to prove it, first.

i just want a clean, healthy, stable place to live so i can work on my art, and it's very depressing that it's so difficult to find.