Monday, February 25, 2019

it's perhaps reflective of the sitting government, though, to make an error like that.

you actually wouldn't expect the liberal bean counters to expose a disabled person to a collection agency like that - you would expect them to think that through and design it in such a way that they can't get at it. i have access to several credits for the precise reason that past liberal governments have legislated them this way, quite consciously.

but, this government is really very bourgeois in that sense. something that would have been thought through at the basic planning stage by any other liberal government probably never even crossed the mind of this one, which is really very narrowly focused on the upper middle class, without that historical reflex on the poor.

i was probably legitimately overlooked for the simple fact that i'm clearly of minimal concern. and, that's actually a policy shift.

and, no i don't expect the minister to tell me it's my own fault for being in debt, either. i'm disabled. it's crazy that i can't default - and i've tried. i expect it just never came up.

in theory, that means i'm being exposed to a carbon tax while more wealthy people are not. in practice, that probably isn't true, because so much of the food we buy here is imported. so, i'm not getting the transfer, but i'm not really paying the tax, either.

but, it's bad optics - and they should probably fix it.

i'm not wasting my time with it, though.

and, i don't know - i could get it, still.