Monday, February 25, 2019


while the venezuelan military should have removed maduro by now, and only hasn't due to it's own stupidity and consequent inability to understand what is happening around it, there remains no other possible outcome.

when you're dealing with an irrational opponent, you sometimes have to give them extra time to figure it out. but, the stupidity of the actor doesn't alter the logic of the game, itself.

and, if the military does refuse to accept the evidence in front of it, cutting off oil sales will eventually lead to the uprising that the west is pretending is happening.

they could, in theory, launch a project to increase the agricultural base, and eliminate their reliance on imports, which is not necessary - the country has ample resources to feed itself. there is no evidence that this is going to happen. rather, accounts are going to dry up and knives are going to sharpen.

it would be another thing if venezuela was an actual socialist state, standing up against the empire, and willing to die for it's convictions. you could see that happen in cuba. but, in venezuela, that's just a lot of bullshit, and it's just a matter of time.

so, be patient. you're not a squirrel; stop acting like one.