Monday, February 4, 2019

this took far too long, but it's done. sort of.

i still need to organize it to by month and zip it up for later.

it runs from sept, 2003 to may, 2016, with a gap in mid 2004 (when i did not have internet access) and another gap from mid 2008 to mid 2010, but i think can fill in the second gap with an archive put away on a dvd somewhere.

and, that is the last step in the tree i'm building: i'll need to go through all of the physical media i've got lying around and file it by year.

once that's finished, i'll swing myself back around to mid-2013 in order to get back to the rebuild, one more time. i expect to be back to where i was (late 2016) relatively quickly. and, getting to the end of 2016 means getting back to the alter-reality, and ultimately trying to finish the period one disc by the end of the year.