Friday, August 9, 2019

and, i just want to have it recorded somewhere that it is obvious that a gun buy back program is a way better idea, if you are concerned about results, than gun control legislation. bernie's ideas on guns seem to lack the overwrought kneejerkism that has become fashionable in the democratic centre.

there are more guns than people. so, if you institute a serious crackdown on sales, you're just opening up a black market where supply greatly outstrips demand. removing the regulatory/oversight process might even have the result of depressing the prices.

there are sane and reasonable things to do around sales, but you have to accept that their effects will be minimal on actually preventing real crime. a policy to actually get the existing guns off the streets is a way better idea, and something nobody else is talking about (to my knowledge) in their collective rush to get to the podium first to blame the nra.