Friday, August 9, 2019

and, if i'm going to have a long weekend, i need to force myself to sleep in until the late morning, at least. my schedule is cycled around the other way, right now.

i'm past my cut-off, so i should be able to eat a nice meal when i wake up. and, with that, i've successfully removed a week's worth of calories. am i feeling ok?

well, i was trying to lose about 5-10 pounds, but i'm not measuring myself. i don't have a scale. i look like i've lost that extra bit of belly fat, which was the difference between flat (i.e. normal) and almost bulged (i.e. a scary change). and, lying flat on my back, i'm back to concave, which is normal. if i went from in the 140s to in the 130s, that gets my bmi back down to 20ish, as well, which is closer to where i want it.

yes, i'll be drinking this weekend, but i'll try to keep it (mostly) to beer. and, i'll be biking. and dancing. this was a blip, i expect.

but, i mean, if i wake up on monday and there's an issue, i'll just do it again.