Thursday, August 22, 2019

i had a weird scare a few hours ago, where the master document seemed to shrink, but i think it was due to a program error with the formatting. i don't think i lost any data.

there's a few extra html files to add, but it's actually done, which was quite fast. so, i'm going to stop to eat and finish up the last little bit when i'm done.

it's going to be a longer document, maybe even the longest, but i'm also going to have a lot less cutting and pasting to do to finish it up. there's already 152 posts here. in the end, there may be around 200, as i add some emails and txts. so, it's not the same kind of rebuild from scratch....

i could actually be mostly done by sunrise.

so, i'll let you in on a secret: there's a major plot twist. but, i'll have to post it here for you to figure it out.