Thursday, August 22, 2019

it's interesting, though.

because the actual reason that canada exists is gridlock in the colonial parliament. we had an upper and lower canada (quebec and ontario) united in a parliament that just produced an array of tie votes. so, they couldn't govern. to fix this, they brought in the maritime provinces, which were at the time separate colonies. and, then there was a westward expansion, and the final inclusion of newfoundland in 1949. i think the closest we've come to expanding since then are these frequent requests from jamaica.

and, i have to remind america that we have our own history and our own prerogatives, which opens up a set of interesting questions. i mean, i'm pointing out that the american political spectrum would be permanently altered by swallowing canada; it would be more like when the romans tried to conquer the greeks, and the greeks conquered them from the inside, instead. america would find itself slowly conforming to the traditions of it's british origins. might we even redistrict the country into provinces? you'd save a lot of money by getting rid of all of the redundancy in these little states. why not have a northeast, a midwest, a southeast, a northwest, etc?

so, there's a narrative and outcome here that is consistent with the arc of canadian history.

it's just not the narrative anybody is expecting.