Saturday, April 25, 2020

it's not often that i'll post a link to an article at the cato institute without ripping it apart. this is a survey of the existing literature, and is worth sorting through to realize just how stupid we're being right now.

they are mostly echoing points i've been making for weeks.

the fact that i am able to do this right now demonstrates how uncontroversial the point is. if there was any controversy around the topic at all, there's little question that i'd come down on the other side of the debate. but, there's certain things - like gravity - that i can agree with the cato institute on.

note that i said gravity and not something that has even the slightest bit of controversy, rightly or not. they wouldn't a post an article like this about climate change. and, i'm not sure you'd even get something from them upholding evolution.

why are our governments being so retarded about this?

because you're retarded, and they caved into your demands - it's a reflection of our own collective stupidity, our own mass ignorance.

the science was clear from the start: these borders should have stayed open through this entire process. but, you can't deal with that, and the government caved to your ignorance.