Saturday, April 25, 2020


i'm caught up.



i need to reimage the 90s laptop again before i eat and shower, as i've been having difficulty finding the right combination of software. the reason i moved to the laptop in the first place was that the processor on the 90s pc (the one that shipped with windows 98....) couldn't load a modern browser, and thus couldn't get native html5 support. it consequently couldn't access youtube.

the workaround i found was with chrome & xp, but i thought i had saved the setup files for chrome, and apparently had not. i don't know what version it was. the versions i've tried haven't worked. worse, i don't remember what image i was using. i should have taken better notes.

what i want is just a front end for youtube; it really doesn't need to do anything else.

so, i should at least start with the most primitive versions of chrome, firefox and opera that will run html5 video natively.

i'd really rather find something even lighter, though. and, i'm toying with a minimal linux distro, if none of that works.