Sunday, September 6, 2020

to clarify a point, though...

there are zero ads on this page, anywhere.

i don't even have an adsense account in my name. at all.

i have made a total of $0.00 by posting to this blog, and google has actually been on my ass about paying them for hosting fees for my appspot site, although they haven't extracted anything yet.

so, i do not have a profit motive in posting here, i do not make any money by posting here and i do not have any money to give to journalists, because i'm not making anything from it. nor is google making anything off of this blog, although they may be making money off of other blogs.

so, if you want to force me to hand over some percentage of $0.00 worth of advertising revenue, i can write you a check for x% of 0 if you really insist.

i will admit that i'm drawing attention to myself, but the product for sale is at bandcamp and is music, it is not ad revenue and not available here.

and, i wish i could say that i sold a lot of downloads, but i just don't. it's actually been years since i made a transaction.

and, why are there no ads here? the reason is that i'm ideologically opposed to the model. you've seen idiocracy by now. i don't want to live in a world where people exchange access to services in exchange for corporate brainwashing, and i'm actually on the side of people that want to restrict or eliminate that. i run ad blockers, and don't want dirty ad money.

i would actually like to see the government, itself, provide some open space for writing. we should all be allowed 50 gb of online space, or something, ad free, and to do what we will with, as a birthright, or a privilege of citizenship. that would put speech enforcement directly at the hands of government, and eliminate a profit revenue from anybody posting.

the internet is not currently a public square, but i wish it was, and would support reforms to make it one - because that would increase speech rights, not diminish them.