Sunday, November 1, 2020

so, what is my pasta bowl looking like now, then?

- red peppers (250 g) 
- carrots (110 g)  
- beets (82 g)  

- pasta (55 g, dry)

- nutritional yeast (1 heaping tsp)
- sunflower seeds (raw, hulled) (1 tbsp) <---for b5, mostly, but other things too
- hemp seeds (raw, hulled) (1 tbsp)

- cheddar cheese (60 g)

- pro-biotic yogurt (2 tbsp)   <------b5, mostly
- full fatted soy milk (200 ml)    <-----d, b12, b7, b16

- lime  (1, ~37 g)

i think that the only remaining consideration will be adding ingredients for the salad dressing.

and, maybe trying to find a way to get a bigger fridge.