Friday, January 20, 2017

again: i think i've been clear that i'm not a vlogger in the for-profit contrived sense, that i never intended or wanted to be one and that if you're disappointed by the "content" (which i don't even like calling "content"...) then you're misunderstanding what i'm doing. i feel no responsibility or even any desire to entertain you.

the vlog channel was never intended to go viral, and was never intended to appeal to people outside of the music fan base. it was only ever intended to

1) act as historical documentation, for academics in the future and
2) direct people to the store at the bandcamp site.

my channel trailer asks you not to judge me by a standard that i'm not placing on myself. and, all that any kind of criticism is going to create is further pointers to the reality that i have no intention on living up to your contrived standards.

i've also been clear on why the recitations started, and why they've since stopped with the move back to a traditional blog.

i know that you hear capitalists deny a profit motive all of the time as a ploy to get you to think they're authentic. but, they don't deny that they're capitalists: they just look you in the eye and lie to you. i'm very openly critical of capitalism. this isn't a ploy. i'm really an anarchist-socialist. and, my behaviour is a reflection of it. if you're confused, you're confused by my disinterest in capitalism. or, perhaps you didn't take me seriously...

there will probably not be longer vlogs until the spring. and, this is the correct reflection of what my life is actually like. so, what would i be apologizing for? who would i be apologizing to? you're not my fucking audience. my audience is the future, and if i were to lie to them and be fake then i'd owe them an apology for being contrived. i don't owe you a fucking thing.