Friday, January 20, 2017

aug 19, 2014

i'm really sick of the idea of "education failing our children". it was clever for about two seconds. now it's one of the worst cliches out there.

it's particularly annoying because it masks the root of the problem, which is a culture that places initiative in the wrong places and creates individuals with stupid priorities. the system can break you, but it can't make you. you have to do that shit yourself. every copy of that awful michelle pfeiffer movie should be tracked down and burned. it's not the answer...

it doesn't matter how bad the system is. in the end, if your kids can't count or read then they fail. you can talk about the kids not working hard enough, or not having the aptitude (in rare cases). you can talk about the youth culture downplaying it's importance and producing warped, cynical psychopaths. you can talk about the parents not raising their kids with good mindsets or at all (which is the real root of the problem in almost all circumstances). but you can't reasonably blame it on the education system, which merely presents information to interpret. i can't even get my head around how anybody could even make sense of shifting the responsibility for personal achievement in such a bizarre manner.

so, let's get it right. it's not as touchy feely. it requires a level of responsibility. but, the system doesn't fail your kids. your kids fail the system. and, if that happens, it's *your* fault.