Sunday, April 15, 2018

my view on drugs is towards total state non-involvement.

the laws should not be changed, but they should not be enforced, either - which, in canada, is really the status quo. they only really arrest dealers, here.

but, no new money should be spent on treatment, prevention or enforcement. that money should be spent on more valid health care priorities to help people that aren't individually responsible for their own fucking problems.

and, i actually think that if the government gets completely out of the way then the industry will kill itself off; it's state involvement that keeps it going. by stepping in and saving the lives of addicts, and regulating use through various schemes, we're actually propping the industry up...

if you just step back and completely wash your hands of it, they'll eventually all die, and the problem will cease to exist.

but, this is no doubt why the industry wants state regulation - to maintain a customer base. the longer the state keeps you alive, the more drugs you buy. it's how you would expect the cartels would want to design the system.

the drug conglomerates of the future will have treatment subsidiaries, along with distribution subsidiaries. because, they are of course going to want to make a profit from the entire cycle of drug abuse - from first use right to death.