Monday, September 9, 2019

stop for a second.

agriculture started about 10,000 years ago. the warming started about two hundred years ago. think it through. we had 9800 years of agriculture without devastating climate change, right?

now, let me blow your mind a third time: it is actually thought, now, that we did experience a little bit of warming at the start of the neolithic, but that it's hard to separate from the natural warming that occurred at the end of the last interglacial, and that it ultimately balanced out. farming produces emissions, but it also acts as a sink, right?

if you're still confused, the thing you need to ask yourself is where does the carbon come from. so, long as the carbon is coming from the sky or the soil or living things, it gets recycled. it's when we start pulling it out of the underground reservoirs at industrial rates that it fucks up the balance.

if you're concerned, you're way better off getting an electric car than going vegan.