Monday, September 9, 2019

just a reminder.


oct 26, 2013

i was looking for something like this a few months ago. nice to see it appear.

they did a good job pulling together sources and making it readable, but it's a little naive in how it talks about the elite using the illuminati to "explain revolt", as though they were confused by the masses of starving people trying to kill them and didn't understand why. maybe, though, they're trying to avoid replacing a conspiracy with another.

the illuminati conspiracy was created by the catholic church as a means of scaring the peasants away from enlightenment revolutionary activity. masons were cast as the legions of satan. the illuminati was likewise a satanic plot. did the peasants want to go to hell? if not, they'd better stay away from those nogoodnik enlightenment revolutionaries...

over time, the tactics were adopted by "protestant" preachers in the united states for the same reasons and to protect the same interests, except the satanists became communists. hence, the new world order conspiracy.

so, it's not just a naive attempt to understand the world by primitive european aristocrats; it's a very carefully worked out means of mind control.
