Wednesday, October 2, 2019

i haven't seen eye-to-eye with bernie recently, but i do wish him a full recovery - in retirement.

it's sad to say that this was predictable, at his age, and i'm not the only person that questioned how far he would make it.

and, it does uphold a point that i and others have been making - it's not ageist to refer to statistics and uphold facts about aging. stats are ruthless things, and facts are even more intolerant than stats.

even if he comes back, it's over.

it's time for the left to move on, and it's not to elizabeth warren. there's still time for somebody to step in. i mean, what happens to these tens of millions of dollars that bernie raised? but, i really think that the focus needs to be to get a strong third party up and running right now.

is biden next? i'd suspect he's in better physical health. that was the difference - bernie seemed mentally sharp but physically weak, whereas biden seemed physically fine but mentally questionable. it's inevitable - not if but when.

and, then what?

all those candidates in single digits are still terrible, whether the old men are running or not.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this