Wednesday, October 2, 2019

bc has a unique spectrum, with no provincial conservative party. in bc, the right-wing is the liberals and the centre is the ndp (like in australia). they used to have a right-wing called "social credit", but it's been dead for years (and largely eaten by the liberals). the greens have recently jumped up on the left, and currently hold the balance of power in an ndp-led government.

so, the ndp numbers are higher in bc than anywhere else for that reason - in bc, the ndp is the centre. singh is being saved by horgan.

but, don't be surprised if you wake up in a few weeks time and see them with one or two seats - or less - east of the rockies.

and, i'm sorry that i told you this would happen, but you should be sorrier that you didn't listen. nothing was more obvious. nothing was more predictable...

the liberals are supposed to do better than this