Thursday, July 30, 2020

we've seen this sort of scenario come up a few times, now, and it really has to go back to the point.

who exactly is twitter hiring to determine what is "disinformation" and what is not?

i'm going to guess it's a bunch of 19 year-olds working from their parents' basements, because they tend to label things as "disinformation" that are actually true fairly often.

and, what do you do when you have this organization like twitter that thinks it knows the truth well enough to censor others, but is in truth actually usually wrong, itself?

because that's what we're seeing over and over - twitter label valid science or perfectly legitimate debate as "disinformation" or "propaganda", and free-thinking people the world over wondering "how did we get to this point?".

but, it's a tendency of authoritarianism, isn't it?

just ask galileo.

or turing.